The TELOS Collaboration has a strong commitment to open science. We aim to make all products of and processes used in our research openly available.
For all new peer-reviewed articles released, we aim to provide underpinning data. This includes the raw data, as transferred from high-performance computing systems, and processed output data, as shown in publications.
For conference proceedings, we may refer to a previous or forthcoming peer-reviewed article for the associated data.
To find our releases, look for links marked “Data” in our publications.
For all new peer-reviewed articles released, we aim to provide a fully reproducible analysis workflow. This takes raw data, as transferred from high-performance computing systems, and outputs the processed data, plots, and tables, as included in publications.
For conference proceedings, we may refer to a previous or forthcoming peer-reviewed article for the associated workflow.
To find our releases, look for links marked “Workflow” in our publications.
Field configurations
We aim to share our gauge ensembles openly in the near future, via the UKLFT Regional Grid of the International Lattice Data Grid.
If in the mean time you would like access to the gauge ensembles supporting our published work, please get in touch.
We make use of the following community software in our work:
- Grid, developed by Peter Boyle and collaborators
- HiRep, developed by Claudio Pica and collaborators. We specifically use a fork adapted to work with symplectic groups, developed in house and optimised by Research Software Engineers at the Swansea Academy of Advanced Computing.
- Hadrons, developed by Antonin Portelli and collaborators.
We are grateful to the contributions of the development communities of these codebases, without which our research would not be possible.
We make preprints of our work available via arXiv. We aim to publish all our work as open access in open access or hybrid journals; additionally, postprints of our work are available via Swansea University’s Cronfa institutional repository.